Where does gold ore generate in Minecraft 1.19?

Publish date: 2024-06-11

After the release of the Minecraft 1.19 update, thousands of new players will be jumping into a vast Minecraft world filled with new mobs and beautiful biomes. Hence, many of them might not know the exact locations of certain valuable ore blocks like diamonds, iron, coal, and gold ore. Gold is an uncommon resource that players can find by mining underground.

Ores are the types of blocks that will contain an item inside them. To obtain the item, players will have to break the block with a pickaxe. Although gold is not the most precious item in the game, it is still highly useful in some situations. With a new scary Deep Dark biome coming to the Minecraft 1.19 update, players must be wary of mining techniques and finding all kinds of ores.

Gold ore generation change and best level to find them in Minecraft 1.19

Ore generation

First, players must understand the drastic changes in ore generation that occurred in 2021. With the release of the Caves and Cliffs Part 2 update, the bedrock layer has shifted down 64 levels, creating lots of underground space for the generation of new caves and blocks. This also meant that the ores were able to generate till Y level -64.

Whether an older player is rejoining the game, or a newcomer is taking their first steps, every player must understand the new ore generation to progress further within the game. Along with the new cave areas, the mountains touched new heights as well. Now, they went all the way up to Y level 256, allowing certain ores to generate at that level as well.

Where does gold ore generate the most

Badlands generates the most amount of gold in Minecraft 1.19 (Image via Mojang)

Coming back to gold, this precious material is obviously rarer than iron and coal, but more common than diamonds. However, their generation in Minecraft 1.19 is slightly different than other ores simply because of a special biome called Badlands.

Badlands is a rare biome in Minecraft that generates gold at any level. This means that players can find the ore between Y level 256 and Y level -64. However, they may find large amounts of gold above Y level 32, particularly if they are in the Badland biome. Clearly, this is the best biome if players want more gold.

Ore generation in a biome other than Badlands (Image via Mojang)

In any other biome, players will be able to find gold ores anywhere between Y level 31 and Y level -64. After Y level -48, there is a slightly higher chance of finding the gold ore generating in open caves and areas that are exposed to air. However, if players want to find the sweet spot for gold in Minecraft 1.19, they must mine at Y level -16, even though the gold ores will spawn less if exposed to air.

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