How to unlock Insured Weapon Slots in Warzone 2 DMZ
The Insured Weapon Slots are a nifty feature in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ that allows players to keep their weapons with them even if they fail to extract safely. At the moment, the game offers players a total of three Insured Weapon Slots. One will be unlocked for everyone, but the other two require players to complete a set of challenges in-game.
Season 4 of DMZ came with a progress wipe, resetting everyone's progression in the mode. As a result, players who previously unlocked the second and the third Insured Weapon Slots will now have to start all over again.
This guide will take a closer look at the Insured Weapon Slots in Warzone 2 DMZ and how to unlock them.
How to unlock the second Insured Weapon Slot in Warzone 2 DMZ?
You must be eligible before you begin unlocking the second and third Insured Weapon Slots. In Season 4, this is quite simple. To do so, simply reach a Reputation Level of 4 with the Black Mous Faction. It can be done easily by completing the Tier 1 missions of this Faction and then completing another mission or two.
This will increase your Reputation with the Black Mous, and you will be eligible to unlock the second and the third Insured Weapon Slots.
To unlock the second Insured Weapon Slot, you will have to complete the following objectives:
- Extract 3 IFAKs found at the hospital.
- Extract 1 AFAK or large medical bag.
- Extract 1 enemy Operator weapon
All of these can be done on a single run and aren't difficult at all. They don't involve complex puzzle-solving or finding rare items.
How to unlock the third Insured Weapon slot in Warzone 2 DMZ?
As already established, you must reach a Reputation Level of 4 with the Black Mous Faction. Once achieved, you must complete the following objectives:
- Extract 5 GPUs
- Extract 10 Gold Bars
- Extract 8 Gold Skulls
You can find GPUs attached to computers. They usually spawn in offices and banks. As for the Gold Bars and Gold Skulls, they can be generally found in Banks, Police Stations, Supply Drops, and Safes. One of the most common locations to find them includes the locked rooms of the Sawah Hotel located in the Sawah Village POI of Al Mazrah.
This is all there is to know about unlocking the Insured Weapon slots in Warzone 2 DMZ. Once unlocked, you can equip your favorite weapons in them and won't have to worry about losing them if you fail at safely exfiltrating from the map.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 4 are live. The update is now available on Windows PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.
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