How to catch Pa'u Style Oricorio

Publish date: 2024-06-09

Pokemon GO's Festival of Colors event is finally here. With this new event comes the addition of the Dancing Pokemon, Oricorio, and its four alternative forms. Some players may have noticed that they can only find one form of the Pokemon where they are because each form is restricted to different regions in the world.

In the main series, Oricorio was introduced in the seventh generation. In Pokemon Sun and Moon, Oricorio's debut game, each form could be captured on the four different islands that make up the region. Alternatively, users could convert their Oricorio to each of the various forms via nectars found on each island.

Many gamers may want to know where to find the Pa'u Style for Oricorio, as it appears to be the most scarce of the forms. With each form taking inspiration from different dances from different cultures worldwide, it may be difficult for Trainers to pinpoint where exactly they can be found.

Hunt for Pa'u Oricorio in Pokemon GO

The many different forms of Oricorio as they are displayed in the Festival of Colors announcement picture (Image via Niantic)

The Pa'u form of Oricorio can easily be distinguished from its other forms via its pink coloring, long skirt, and its most notable difference, its Psychic typing. Each of the different forms of Oricorio keeps their Flying typing but switches their secondary type with each form. With each form, Oricorio's signature attack type changes.

Sadly, Oricorio's signature attack, Revelation Dance, is absent from Pokemon GO. Having an attack that changes type with the Pokemon it is assigned to would be an interesting concept and give players more incentive to collect all the forms. Though it is currently absent, it may be added in the future.

The Pa'u Style of Oricorio has still gone untested in the Battle League, given its recent arrival. Due to it possessing the interesting type combination of Psychic and Flying, users have noticed its possible potential in competitive play.

Sadly, its movepool is lacking due to all forms possessing only Flying-type attacks.

Players looking to add a Pa'u Style of Oricorio to their Pokemon GO collection may need to plan a trip. According to the official Pokemon GO website, the Pa'u Style of Oricorio is restricted to only appearing in African, Asian, Pacific, and Caribbean Islands.

While it may be unfortunate for players looking forward to collecting all the forms, it makes sense given its design and inspiration. Oricorio's Pa'u Style is designed around the Hula dance, which has cultural ties to the Hawaiian islands. This also ties in to the Alola region, where it is native, taking inspiration from Hawaii.

Though it may be unfortunate for players, Niantic is notorious for restricting forms of Pokemon to different regions of the world. This has been done previously with the Normal-type Pokemon Furfrou and most recently with the different colors of the Fairy-type Pokemon, Flabebe.

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