Destiny 2: Who Won Crota's End First World Race

Publish date: 2024-07-31
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The world’s first race for Destiny 2’s Crota’s End begins today. Players will be vying for their chance to be the first ones to finish it, completing the raid once and the particular challenges. These challenges will be unique and difficult to master.

Although many teams will be competing over the weekend to finish the race first and earn the emblem, only one team can be crowned the winner of the World’s First race. This guide will share where all the teams are during this race, who is currently in the lead, and who will land on top as the winner of Destiny 2’s Crota’s End World First race.

Who is The Winner Of The Crota’s End World First Race in Destiny 2?

Update: It has been confirmed that team Elysium has completed the raid, and they have become the four-time winners of the World First raid race in Destiny 2.

Like father, like son. Crota's reign has ended.

Congratulations to the World First Destiny 2 #CrotasEnd winners, Team Elysium:

💠 Saltagreppo
💠 Quazz
💠 Moople
💠 VileFate
💠 Cruz
💠 Kyros

— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) September 1, 2023

Right now, the Destiny 2 teams are likely getting ready to embark into the Crota’s End raid. Bungie has provided an update to all contestants, sharing what exotics have been banned, namely the Tessellation, Weavewalk Aspect, Banner of War, Foetracer, Elemental Munitions, Overload Hand Cannon, Frenzied Stacks, All ammo Reserves, and All Font Armor Charge mods have been disabled throughout the contest mode. Players also have a 48-hour window to complete the race, which will be good for any other Destiny 2 players trying to finish the raid before the end of the weekend.

Right now, no one is in the standing, and no one is ahead. We will update this guide as we get closer to Destiny 2’s Crota’s End raid event. We are nearly at the start of the races, which is set to begin at 10 AM PST for every player, worldwide.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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