Best moveset, counters, and more

Publish date: 2024-07-10

Pokemon GO saw the debut of Turtonator back in June during the Dark Flames event. Being a Dragon and Fire-type Pocket Monster, you can expect to utilize this creature in a lot of scenarios. However, to make the most out of any creature in Pokemon GO battles, you must know what moves are paired best with that creature.

In this article, we will walk you through the best moves, teammates, and counters for Turtonator and determine if it is worth investing in the game.

Best Turtonator moveset in Pokemon GO

Turtonator can only learn Fire and Dragon elemental-type moves, save for one Steel-type move. As a result, most of its move combinations will give this creature a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) bonus.

Elemental typings that Turtonator is vulnerable to:

Elemental typings that this Pokemon resists:

Turtonator can learn the following moves in Pokemon GO:

Fast moves:

Charged moves:

Best PvP moveset for Turtonator in Pokemon GO

Using these statistics, we can conclude that the best moveset for Turtonator would be Fire Spin as the Fast move, along with Overheat and Dragon Pulse as the Charged moves. This will give you a decent STAB with both Fire and Dragon-type moves.

Best PvE moveset for Turtonator in Pokemon GO

The best moveset for Turtonator in PvE would be Fire Spin as the Fast move, along with Overheat as the Charged move. Since both are Fire-type moves, you will get STAB for your Turtonator with these moves.

Is Turtonator good in Pokemon GO PvP?

Turtonator hard-counters several widely-picked monsters in the current metagame of GO’s Great League:

Even though it beats some of the meta-dominating creatures, Turtonator does not have very good stats. With a 114.2 base attack and 152.9 base defense, you cannot expect to perform well in your ranked matches using this creature.

The same is true for the Ultra League. Turtonator does not have the power or bulk needed to stand strong against the enemies.

Best team for Turtonator in Pokemon GO

If you still want to use this creature in your roster, there are a few good Pokemon that you can use with Turtonator. Lickitung, Pelipper, Shadow Swampert, Sableye, and Altaria perform well with this Pokemon.

Best Turtonator counters in Pokemon GO

While playing with Turtonator, you will get matched up with hard counters irrespective of which league you are in. Make sure to switch if you face one of the following enemies:

If you decide to battle these opponents, you will be fighting a losing battle irrespective of shield or switch advantage.

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