Ascension materials, artifacts, and weapons to build

Publish date: 2024-07-29

Genshin Impact's next 5-star character will be the Dendro Archon Nahida, and fans who plan on summoning her can find a pre-farming guide here. Pre-farming allows players to have all the materials required to ascend Nahida to level 90 as soon as she is released. This allows them to utilize her in their team comps faster, saving tons of time and Resin.

Players will definitely want to gather as many materials as they can in advance, as a lot of them only respawn every few days. This means the earlier they farm, the more players can gather. Here's a pre-farming guide for Nahida's release in Genshin Impact 3.2.

Genshin Impact 3.2: Nahida pre-farming guide, artifacts, and more

Pre-farming for Genshin Impact's upcoming Dendro Archon Nahida isn't too difficult, though players won't be able to gather all of the items they need until her release. Still, fans can collect a majority of the ascension materials that Nahida will require to hit level 90 before her release, making her max ascension much easier to reach when she arrives in the 3.2 update. Gamers will need to acquire these items to allow Nahida to reach the max level:

Quelled Creeper and Nagadus Emeralds

Players will need to wait for the Genshin Impact 3.2 update to be able to take on the Dendro Hypostasis, as it will be released alongside Nahida in the next update. This boss will drop the Quelled Creeper material, which Nahida will need 46 of to reach max ascension.

Nahida will also need the Nagadus Emeralds that can be acquired from defeating this boss, meaning fans should farm the Dendro Hypostasis to achieve maximum efficiency while gathering Nahida's ascension materials.

Kalpalata Lotus

Kalpalata Lotuses are Nahida's next ascension material, and they can only be found in the rainforest section of Sumeru. Nahida will need 168 of these flowers to reach level 90, and there are only around 84 of them in the world, so fans will want to begin picking these flowers as soon as they can. This way, they'll be able to gather all 168 of them after the 48-hour respawn timer, making ascending Nahida much faster.

Floating Fungi drops

The final material Nahida will need to ascend are drops from Floating Fungi. These enemies can be found throughout Sumeru's rainforests, and defeating them will allow fans to acquire the Fungal Spores they need to get her to level 90.

Gamers will need tons of these items to reach max level, so they will want to start collecting them early. However, these Floating Fungi are quite populous throughout Genshin Impact, and it will be easy to collect enough materials.

Nahida's artifacts

It's uncertain exactly which artifact set will be best for Nahida as of now, but it's likely to be one of the two sets introduced in Sumeru. The Gilded Dreams set and the Deepwood set both buff different aspects of Nahida's kit, and players can farm both of them at the same time, thanks to the Spire of Solitary Enlightenment Domain.

It appears that the Gilded Dreams set will be best for teams that focus on taking advantage of Elemental Mastery-based reactions, while the Deepwood set will be better for maximizing Dendro damage. Genshin Impact fans will want to collect the best pieces of both sets and hold onto them until Nahida releases.


Nahida's best weapons are surprisingly easy to come by, apart from her signature 5-star weapon, A Thousand Floating Dreams. This weapon will be Nahida's best in slot option as it provides her with tons of buffs that can boost her personal and team damage significantly.

However, for F2P (free-to-play) players, Nahida has a ton of amazing options, including the 4-star craftable weapon the Mappa Mare and the 3-star option the Magic Guide. In fact, the Magic Guide looks to be one of Nahida's best options overall, making it a stellar choice for players who aren't planning to pull her signature catalyst.

Fans will want to make sure they hold on to any additional copies of the 3-star weapon that they have, though it is also easily obtainable through the game's gacha since it's not a limited weapon.

Genshin Impact's new 5-star character looks to be an incredible addition to the game, and fans will want to make sure they are prepared for Nahida's arrival in the 3.2 update.

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