All GTA Online First Dose missions in the Los Santos Drug Wars update

Publish date: 2024-06-08

The new Los Santos Drug Wars has generated a lot of buzz in the GTA Online community after its first part was released ahead of schedule last week. The new DLC has players disrupting the city's drug trade with their crew.

Read on to find out about the new "First Dose" missions that help establish the storyline for this DLC and the business associated with it.

Note: This article contains spoilers for the content from the latest GTA Online update.

New "First Dose" missions from new GTA Online DLC explained

There are six "First Dose" missions that players can access from the GTA Online public lobby. They will get a call from a distressed Ron (Trevor's associate in the main GTA 5 storyline) after they've been idle for some time, and he'll invite them to Ace Liquor.

“Hey, Ron here. I’m heading up to Ace Liquor. There’s some kinda new crew in town. Could be trouble. I’m not saying I need your backup or anything, but… I kinda need your backup. See you up there?”

The First Dose missions will begin when players reach Ace Liquor and step into the yellow indicator.

Three new GTA Online exclusive characters (Dax, Luchadora, and Labrat) will be introduced. All three are members of Fooliganz, a gang that aims to take over the drug trade in and around Los Santos. Let's go over each of the six GTA Online missions individually.

1) Welcome to the Troupe

Players walk up to the upper level of Ace Liquor, where they see Ron being harassed by some Fooliganz members. After Ron introduces the player's GTA Online character to Dax, the latter starts walking them through his plans to take over the city's drug trade.

The conversation gets cut short when Ace Liquor is attacked by members of the Lost MC, who manage to run off with Dax's Journey II. The first mission has the player fighting off the Lost and chasing down Dax's RV.

2) Designated Driver

After they retrieve his RV, Dax will take players to an abandoned warehouse named the Freakshop, which the Fooliganz leader hopes to use as storage space for their entry into the drug trade. The Freakshop will be the focal point of the Acid Lab business in GTA Online.

The second mission begins with a phone call from Dax. He'll ask players to pick up some "party supplies" from a trailer at the Jetsam terminal.

These are supplies owned by the Lost MC that are required to start production at the Freakshop. Players will first have to steal a truck cab from the docks and then connect it to the trailer. They will later have to go to the Lost MC clubhouse to steal their plans. Players also have the option of looting the clubhouse for cash, but it will result in heavier resistance when they exit the clubhouse.

3) Fatal Incursion

After delivering all the plans and supplies to the Freakshop, Dax will analyze them and call the player for their next mission. Players will have to head to Stab City, a trailer park on the outskirts of the Grand Senora Dessert in GTA Online. The stolen plans point to a large methamphetamine shipment being delivered at the location that Dax wants the player to steal from the Lost.

GTA Online players will have to pay a visit to the Lost's trailer park and destroy as much of their property as possible to ensure that they don't contest the shipment. Players will then head to Miller's fishery to steal the shipment and any meth that might be stored in the Lost's lab there.

4) Uncontrolled Substance

This is the only GTA Online mission in the First Dose series that is not centered around setting up the player's Acid Lab. After successfully procuring the necessary supplies in the previous missions, the Fooliganz gather at the Freakshop to celebrate their newfound success and dedicate it to the player's character.

Unaware that the beer is spiked with acid, the player's GTA Online character takes a sip, and the rest of the mission will have them experiencing drug-induced hallucinations and fighting off non-existent creatures, much like Barry's encounters with the three protagonists in GTA 5.

5) Make War not Love

Once the player's acid experience ends, they will be woken up by a call from Dax informing them of a possible competitor based in a camp somewhere in the desert. They'll have to join Dax and the other Fooliganz members there to destroy the competitor's equipment and track down their delivery vehicles as well.

The last of these delivery vehicles is inside the heavily protected Altruist camp, where players will face heavy resistance on the ground and in the air. To complete the mission, GTA Online players will have to destroy the acid van and the Alruist's Valkyrie helicopter.

6) Off the Rails

In the last mission, Labrat requests that the player steals classified chemicals from Humane Labs that can't be purchased without raising the suspicion of authorities. Players will have to head over there and steal the chemicals from the storage as fast as they can. They'll then have to head to a train station.

One of the trailers on a train has the other chemicals that Labrat requested. Players will have to divert the train to the wrong track and cause a collision. After scavenging for the necessary supplies, players will have to steal a Brickade 6x6 from Humane Labs and successfully escape in it.

After the last mission, GTA Online players will have to spend an additional $700,000 to install an Acid Lab in the stolen Brickade 6x6. This includes the cost of a Maibatsu Scout bike that will be used for deliveries. After this, players can run the Acid Lab like any other business in GTA Online and earn substantial amounts from the trade.

Players should rush to complete these missions since the cash and RP rewards for each have been doubled until December 22.

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